Dr. Andre' & Lady Tracie LaNier
& The Family
Pastor Andre' LaNier, D.Min.
…Growing lives through Growing conquerors. As Pastor of The Growth Gathering Fellowship, he is an example of how God does the impossible through the improbable. His calling is to shepherd God’s people by 1) Teaching God’s Word practically, accurately and relatably; 2) Encouraging every person to live their best Kingdom lives; 3) Challenging people to grow from places of comfort into their God given Calling and 4) Welcoming people from every walk of life to become a part of Team Jesus!
A little more about Dr. Drè:
His favorite movies: The God Father I and II. He considers himself to be fun-loving with a crazy sense of humor and a love for life.
His favorite thing to do: Spending family time with Lady Tre` and “The Girls”.
Dr. Dre` extends the ministry of pastoring through being an author, entrepreneur, seminary professor, and leadership coach. His mission is to partner with people for their Better.
Dr. Drè has a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science and a Masters of Arts Degree with a concentration in Community Development Venture Capitalism, both from DePaul University. A Masters of Arts in Ministry Studies from Grace College and Theological Seminary where he was a Summa Cum Laude Graduate. He has an earned Doctor of Ministry Degree in Christian Leadership and Renewal from Regent University School of Divinity.
His Heart:
He’s ecstatically in love with his beautiful wife Tracie LaNier, LCSW who is affectionately called Lady Tre`. She is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and holds a Bachelors of Arts in Psychology from the University of Illinois at Chicago and a Masters of Arts in Social Work from the University of Chicago School of Social Service Administration. She is currently matriculating through The Institute for Clinical Social Work to obtain a Ph.D. in Clinical Social Work with an emphasis in Psychodynamics.
They are the proud parents of four precious jewels from heaven: Aundria, Mia, Layla, and Khera (yes all girls LOL!).