"Promoting Jesus in tangible ways is the answer for Chicago’s most challenged communities."


Every Donation Builds Hope, Housing, & Help with the Heart of Christ.

With over $1,000,000 of community impact to date, The Promote Jesus Chicago goal is $5 Million Dollars of impact by Dec. 31, 2024

Promote Jesus Chicago
Promote Jesus Chicago
<font size="+2"><u>2. HOUSING:</u></font> </br> Rebuilding Neighborhoods

1/3rd of the Promote Jesus Chicago budget will be allocated to reducing the vast number of abandoned homes and vacant lots... Read More

<font size="+2"><u> 1. HOPE:</u></font> </br>Save Souls

1/3rd of the Promote Jesus Chicago budget will hire full-time youth and ministry workers to develop, launch and grow biblically based programs... Read More

<font size="+2"><u>3. HELP:</u></font> </br>Serving Communities

The final 1/3rd of the Promote Jesus Chicago budget will focus on meeting the tangible needs of the community... Read More

<font size="+2"><u> 1. HOPE:</u></font> </br>Save Souls

1/3rd of the Promote Jesus Chicago budget will hire full-time youth and ministry workers to develop, launch and grow biblically based programs... Read More

<font size="+2"><u>2. HOUSING:</u></font> </br> Rebuilding Neighborhoods

1/3rd of the Promote Jesus Chicago budget will be allocated to reducing the vast number of abandoned homes and vacant lots... Read More

<font size="+2"><u>3. HELP:</u></font> </br>Serving Communities

The final 1/3rd of the Promote Jesus Chicago budget will focus on meeting the tangible needs of the community... Read More

#1 HOPE: Save Souls.

1/3rd of the Promote Jesus Chicago budget will hire full-time youth and ministry workers to develop, launch and grow biblically based programs throughout the Washington Heights and surrounding neighborhoods. Additionally, we will boldly promote the life changing message of Christ through various forms of print, social, digital, radio, and TV medias.

#2 HOUSING: Rebuilding Neighborhoods

1/3rd of the Promote Jesus Chicago budget will be allocated to reducing the vast number of abandoned homes and vacant lots. Statistics show higher youth delinquency, higher crime rates, higher unemployment and higher hopelessness are all found in communities with higher rates of abandoned houses, poorly maintained homes and vacant lots. Just as it did in the days of Nehemiah of the Bible, the landscape has a tremendous impact on the lives of those living in a particular geography.

To date, we have purchased and totally renovated two homes that have attracted two new families to the community. As you can see, I’m currently standing in our third home that we’re in the process of completing, with a 4th, a 5th and a vacant lot already under ownership, just awaiting renovation resources.. However, this barely scratches the surface when considering the over 100 abandoned homes and vacant lots in our targeted 3-mile focus area, but together, we can make the difference.

#3 HELP: Serving Communities

The 3rd objective focuses on Sharing to meet the needs of the community. Jesus said: Whatever you didn’t do for the least of these, you didn’t do for me (Matthew 25:45). The final 1/3rd of the Promote Jesus Chicago budget will focus on meeting the tangible needs of the community. Every child should have a new pair of shoes for school, clean clothes, a coat for the winter, school supplies, a bike to ride and so many other necessities many of us take for granted.

With your partnership, Promote Jesus Chicago will attract lives to Christ by showing and sharing love in tangible ways. In a time when church attendance is consistently shrinking and worldly chaos is rapidly growing, we need your partnership like never before.

Our goal is to raise $5 Million dollars by December 31st of 2023. Your most sacrificial donation is desperately needed and greatly appreciated. Every donation brings a child, a family and the community closer to becoming devoted followers of Jesus Christ. If you believe Jesus is the answer for our world today, I pray your partnership is not even a question.

Dr. Andre’ LaNier, D.Min.

His Ministry:
…Growing lives through Growing conquerors.
  As Pastor of The Growth Gathering Fellowship and lead visionary of www.PromoteJesusChicago.com he is an example of how God does the impossible through the improbable. His calling is to shepherd God’s people by 1) Teaching God’s Word practically, accurately, and reverently; 2) Encouraging every person to live their best Kingdom lives; 3) Challenging people to grow from places of comfort into their God given Calling and 4) Welcoming people from every walk of life to become a part of Team Jesus!…

Read Full Bio

Thank you for your partnership as we Promote Jesus together.

*All donations are tax deductible.

Call To Donate: 312-244-3777

Email Us @: team@promotejesuschicago.com